Thursday, December 16, 2010


New character here in the blogworld. Sir Sleepsalot. Here is the story why he has earned a place of honor in the Domain of Dummkopf.

I got up at 4:45 to attend a circumcision this morning in Queens, with services starting at 6:30. As I was running early, I figured I would be nice and save the good Knight a ten minute walk and pick him up. However, the Knight was under the influence of the night, and did not respond to multiple texts and phone calls. At 6:25 I left, and proceeded to the circumcision. During the ceremony, after prayers, my phone finally rings. " What should I do?"

How the heck should I know? He had the shortest commute of everyone and just overslept. he figured out something, but this is not the first oversleeping incident, and from someone who NEVER slept as a little kid.

Buy a better alarm clock. Or get a rooster.


  1. the good knight has over slept 3 times in his life. he has an alarm clock but he also has roommates, and at the moment he is battleing a cold.

  2. Dear Sir Sleepsalot,
    If you only overslept 3x in your whole life, you may actually not belong in Dummkposville. On the other hand, you misspelled your own name. It's spelled with an "s" after the "p", as in........ sleeps-a-lot.

  3. i'm sorry but i didn't spell my name wrong the name given to me makes it sound like i sleep a lot "sleepsalot", however since i dont sleep a lot, i wouldnt say seven hours of sleep is a lot when your sick but i will say that i did sleep a lot that day so hence sir sleepalot meaning just once did i sleep a lot, but im sure i can find someone who the name would fit in your sixth grade son when he was in camp

  4. Seems like I owe Sir Sleepalot a sincere sorry. So to the sir who was sick and slept a lot one day but normally sleeps less than a lot on so many days, so sorry. Maybe the person who dubbed you Sir Sleepsalot, didn't sleep enough that morning and all too quickly misdubbed you. And to that sixth grader in camp, he may be named Prince Alaround Greatust.

  5. no one is doubting that the camper is great. i sat in front of him and have nothing but praise and yes the doctor is not a morning person. apologies accepted.
