Friday, December 10, 2010


Apparently, it isn't only others who need this site. I am on an ambulance squad (So is Dr. G, what a coincidence!) Coming back from a call this morning, I see the clock says 6:16. I realize that my alarm is about to go off. This will disturb others, as (1) I am not home to shut it off and (2) I moved it away from my bed and near the door before I left (WHY is for another time). So now it will disturb everyone in the house.  But wait, it gets better.

I state to my fellow crewmate that I am about to be in big trouble because my alarm is going off in one minute, much to the displeasure of others. He responds " Oops, mine's going off at 6:20."

We debated just staying on the ambulance all day.


  1. In the end, you and Mr. Crewmate "woke up" your families to see the true gomlei chesed you each are. I can see it now... Instead of being annoyed or muttering or stomping angrily to shut the alarm, they're surely standing in silent awe and admiration.


  2. so who's the dummkopf now?

  3. Did you even READ the post?? It seemed pretty obvious WHO the Dummkopf is!

  4. osek btzorchay tzibbur trumps all,and the family is usually awake before the good doctor's alarm goes off.
