Thursday, March 17, 2011


Sir Annoyus was at it again this week. He pops in front of my office with someone who looks familiar, and that person gives me a nice help. I respond in kind, and all is right with the world, until SA asks me if I know the person. I responded in the affirmative, even though his name escaped me for a moment. The person also stated that I knew him.

This is not enough for our esteemed knight of nonsense, so he pushes the issue, " What's his name?" he asked, in all his glory.

Now, I have a hard time remembering the names of my children after spending a weekend with them, there is no way this name is going to pop into my head immediately, considering I haven't seen this gentleman in quite some time. However, when he stated his first name, the rest popped, including his name,. family, AND place of employment, clearly indicating a knowledge of this person, who seemed satisfied.

However, Sir Annoyus was annoyed that there wasn't great embarrassment and discomfort on all sides.

Lovely person.


  1. this annoyus guy sounds like a relative of ours

  2. i wonder about this sir annoyus guy......
