Friday, February 4, 2011


I was in Shul this morning. I noticed that someone had put up a Mishenichnas Adar sign on the wall of the Main shul. Then I noticed that the sign had been put up with PUSH PINS. Directly into the walls! Who does such a thing? they have invented tape. I am sure the people who put of the sign have heard of it, perhaps even used it in the past. Why would someone put permanent holes in the walls of a shul that will be visible for the rest of the year once the sign is down? And push pin holes are not even reusable.

My gasted was and is completely flabbered.


  1. Tape, except for masking tape, takes paint off the walls.

    Put something on the bulletin board (with push pins!!!)about not doing this, then it won't happen in the future.

  2. So what is wong with using masking tape? It is not a permanent sign ( this year it is for two months, but usually it is only for one).

    Your advice is sound about the notice on the bulletin board. Have you ever considered a career in giving advice?
